Safety & Security

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, in order to ensure the safety of our guests, we now have an enhanced cleaning regime.

We have extended our check-in time to 5:00pm and brought forward check-out time to 9:00am, this allows us extra time for the deep cleaning and sanitising required to keep our guests safe. We have also introduced a ‘Booking Buffer’ when possible (24 hour gap between bookings) although this may not always be possible for weekly bookings.

Our cleaning routine includes the spray sanitising of all rooms followed by a steam clean of which the rooms will be well ventilated during this process.  There will also be a thorough sanitisation of all touch point surfaces including door handles and light switches. There will be a minimum 3 hour gap between cleaning and when our guests check in and our cleaner will wear PPE throughout.

Additional cleaning supplies will be provided for the use of our guests including recommended cleaning products, hand-sanitiser, cleaning wipes, antibacterial spray and paper towels.

Bathroom Products at Coquet Meadows